T-3: Strong AI

Here is a warning about theories of AI exceeding the problem solving abilities of its masters.


7/14/20231 min read

a cube shaped building on a rock
a cube shaped building on a rock

Time to discuss the technology that concerns us all, strong AI. Also known as artificial general intelligence, this has been identified as the theoretical machine that may someday become self aware.



How many have heard the story of an AI powered drone in simulation killing an operator to accomplish a task.

It never happened. Thought experiment they claimed. Already published stories needing corrected.

What really happened in simulation or otherwise, is only relevant to help understand what must be avoided. For one it is important that a household is protected and safe. Bringing improved AI can help instead of being a danger! Eventually, AI could have the ability to study many angles of a contingent situation very fast. Really, this is quite useful when kept safe by the institution of a rule set taken in simple steps through the community. In other words, strong AI will be avoided until the community is prepared for it.

Many publications have emerged on the dangers of AI. Arguments presented are straight out of science fiction (with emphasis on fiction). Honestly though, any system AI or not is subject to the training and programming of its developers. If these developers aren't considering all angles of the rule set, the the real danger comes from bad actors, internally or externally. Once again, the more advanced AIs are delivering good results. Keep the AI safe through community interaction built through cryptography. Do not allow bad actors access to code updates.

No worries here: strong AI (or even Super AI) is not here

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